These DIY  Wood pumpkins are perfect for fall decor! See how to make them using  scrap wood 4×4 blocks and add a cute and shabby chic vibe to your fall  decor with wooden pumpkin decorations!

supplies needed


Orange paint

Black craft paint

Orbital Sander

Grey and blue  paints

Corner sander

Carriage bolt

Step 1

Start with the 4 x 4 lumber cut to blocks in sizes you like. I roughly  cut 3 different sizes. Make sure to sand all the edges and corners of  the blocks.

Step 2

Paint the blocks orange with craft or other paint. Once that is dry,  paint them in the grey and blue. The Dixie Belle paint went so smooth  and dried super fast!

Step 3

Distress the wood blocks lightly to reveal the layer of orange paint  underneath. Some spots also show the bare wood and I love the effect  that creates!

Step 4

Give the carriage bolt a coat of oil rubbed bronze spray paint.

Step 5

Paint Jack’o lantern faces on the blocks on all 4 sides using black  craft paint. I drew and painted the faces with different shapes and  expressions… totally random – no reason!

Step 6

Drill a hole in the top of one “pumpkin” with a drill bit and screw  in the carriage bolt. Attach a couple of orange and green pipe-cleaners  to it

Swipe up to learn how to make DIY Wood Pumpkins – Made From Scrap Wood

The DIY Wood Pumpkins are ready!