We have wanted a hammock in our backyard for a long time
They make the perfect relaxation spot to snooze, daydream or just enjoy a book. But we don’t have any trees that are close enough or strong enough. So, of course, I built us a hammock stand!
Once you cut the timber to size based on the plans, make cuts for the half-lap joints. There are a total of 4 half-lap joints – hence 8 cuts.
Once the half-lap joints are cut, lay them out upside down and attach using 3″ exterior wood screws. Be sure to make pilot holes before driving the screws.
– Cut the uprights as per the plans at 22.5° on one end. – Attach by making pilot holes and driving three 4″ outdoor wood screws.
– Cut and attach the braces per the plans between the base and uprights using the 3″ exterior wood screws.
Hammock Stand Ideas With Plan
Easy $15 DIY Outdoor Coffee Table