How to Make Crackle Paint – Using Elmers Glue

Learn how to make crackle paint easily using Elmer’s glue and acrylic paint with this step by step tutorial with video. Homemade crackle paint is so easy!

You will also love Ikea Malm makeover using homemade crackle paint and Homemade puffy paint votivesUnique votives made using an easy crackled paint technique without any special paints!

I am making fall crafts!!

Well, homemade crackle paint really has nothing to do with fall…

but I decided to use fall colors because, well, I have everything fall on my mind!

Remember when I used the homemade crackle paint technique on the Ikea Malm dresser?

It totally gave me a lightbulb moment!

How amazing would the crackle look on glass!

This is how DIY crackle paint votives came to be.Make these Unique votives using an easy crackled paint technique without any special paints!

Of course, they don’t have to be fall colors. You can use any color combination you like – red and green for Christmas or pastel colors for Easter – or any combinations for a wedding or party centerpieces!

Let’s get making!

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Materials Needed to Make the Crackle Paint –

  • Glass votives in various shapes and sizes (I got mine at the dollar store)
  • White Glue (I used Elmer’s Glue All) – I have heard that it is important to use the “Glue All”. I didn’t take any chances.
  • Craft paint in the colors of your choice – I used burgundy, orange and brown.
  • A couple of Paper plates and paint brush
  • A small object to support the votives while they dry (I used a little block of wood)

Materials needed to make unique and amazing crackled paint votives

Before we get started, make sure to follow me on InstagramFacebookYouTube, and Pinterest to keep up with all my latest builds and projects!

How to Make the Homemade Crackle Painted Votives –

The process is super simple and extremely similar to how I got the crackled effect on my dresser. Here is a quick video showing you how I made them. Step by step instructions follow.

How to Make Crackle Paint –

Here is a step by step process for you if you would rather just read it  –

Step 1 – Wash and clean the votives well with warm soapy water to make sure they don’t have any residues on them.

Step 2 –  Dab white glue on the votive and allow to dry for about 5 minutes. You want it to form a film on the top but not dry.

Step 3 – Dab the craft paint lightly onto the glue. Be careful not to disturb the layer of glue.

Step 4 – Let dry! That is it! You have unique painted tea light holders!

As the wood glue dries clear, it crackles the paint over it and creates a unique crackle paint effect!

Make these Unique votives using an easy crackled paint technique without any special paints!

The effect of the flame peeking through the crackled paint is very beautiful! I am thinking I will be making one set for Christmas too! 🙂Unique votives made using an easy crackled paint technique without any special paints!

Isn’t this such a fun idea?! I am excited to try this out on various other items! My head is swimming with ideas!

Where will you use it?

You do not need any special paints to make these easy DIY crackled paint votives! I will show you how to get the crackled paint finish with basic materials

This coastal candle holder can be painted and decorated to match any season or occasion! This DIY coastal candle holder brings the right touch of beach to your decor and makes a great centerpiece!

Anika's goal is to inspire and empower beginners with woodworking, DIY, home improvement, and home decor ideas.
She wants everyone to unlock their creative potential and experience the feeling that comes with making something. Nothing feels better better than seeing something and saying "I can make that!"

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  1. Anika that was such a great video. Very well done to show us the technique to these pretty and really unique votives.

    1. Thank you Mary! It is so fun to see how paint interacts with various things 🙂

  2. Very cool. I bet these look great lit!

    1. Thanks! Yes, They look really cool 🙂

  3. These turned out great Anika, love the overall effect. The colors are perfect for fall and they look so lovely with the candles inside. It’s amazing what a little white glue and paint can do. Thnk you so much, I’ve pinned it 😉

    1. Thank you so much Michelle! It is fun to experiment with all the different techniques!

  4. We love all your candle tutorials, Anika! Sharing them to our DIY Pinterest board =)

    These votives turned out so nice!!

    1. Thanks for sharing them! I am glad you liked them!

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