New to woodworking?
You are in the right place!
Woodworking can seem like a really overwhelming hobby.
You watch people on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok with workshops lined with tools and all kinds of jigs and gadgets, building fancy and perfect projects… making it look easy and complicated at the same time!
Don’t worry. I’ve got you.
The Basics
Learn the Tools
Enroll in Power Tool School
Power Tool School
Jargon-free, beginner-friendly video course to help you. Conquer your tool fears and transform yourself into a confident, creative DIYer.
Let’s turn those “what ifs” into “look what I made!”
Get the Supplies
Project Ideas
Looking for the perfect project to start can be a bit of a daunting task. Pick something that you need, and just get started! Don’t overthink!
Printable Building Plans
Browse all the plans to kickstart your next projects!
Kreg Tutorials
Woodworking Tips
Simple tips and tricks to help you make projects better and more efficient.
The final finish of a project is just as important as the project itself.