12 Mistakes Every Diyer Makes the First Time Around: Did You?

Every DIYer has to start somewhere; even your favorite DIY content creator has made mistakes during their journey. Here are 12 mistakes that all DIYers make and what you can do to avoid them.

1. Skipping the Planning Stage

woman drawing up a DIY project plan
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Planning will make or break a DIY project. Planning is essential whether you are undertaking a remodel or building a new piece of furniture. Skipping the planning stage can lead to lengthy delays or a subpar finish, and no one wants to spend time and money to end up with results they do not like.

2. Not Keeping an Eye on the Budget

woman shocked over receipts
Image Credit: Shutterstock

In a perfect world, all your DIY projects will never go over budget, but unfortunately, that’s not the case in most situations. Not budgeting for the unexpected or under-budgeting for the scope of the DIY project can spell disaster for the DIYer. Ensure you are researching all the necessary materials and tools before starting a DIY project, and always save some money for unexpected expenses.

3. Overconfident About the Timeline

woman upset about DIY budget
Image Credit: Shutterstock

DIY projects take time, and overestimating how much you can get done in a specific timeframe often leaves unfinished projects all over your home. Make sure to be realistic with the undertaking of projects and set aside time to complete them at your own pace. Make adjustments to your timeline as needed to keep stress managed.

4. Using the Wrong Tools

Woman holding a drill and hard hat
Image Credit: Shutterstock

You can do a lot with a drill, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only tool a DIYer requires. Having the wrong tools for the job can be stressful and mean delays or ruined materials. Make sure you have the right tools and knowledge of these tools to complete the job; to save some money, many large hardware stores offer tools to rent that can save hundreds of dollars in your budget.

5. Using the Wrong Materials – Worse Than Using Wrong Tools

Lumber at the home improvement store
Image Credit: Anika’s DIY Life

Using the right materials in your DIY project is extremely important. The wrong materials can mean your finished product will not hold up to normal wear and tear. Make sure to choose your materials and secondary materials carefully to get the most out of your hard work.

6. Cutting Corners Can Bring the Whole House Down

house of cards falling
Image Credit: Shutterstock

When the project or remodel gets stressful, or you feel like you have taken on too much, cutting corners to finish quicker can be tempting. This is a guaranteed way to have an inadequate finished product. Avoid the stress by committing to a plan and allowing yourself to complete projects on your timeline.

7. Not Measuring Twice, Three Times, or Four Times Before Cutting

Anika measuring wood
Image Credit: Anika’s DIY Life

We all know the saying, “Measure twice, cut once,” but sometimes you can measure five times and still be wrong. Having a basic knowledge of math, and fractions wasn’t a waste of time in school, is necessary to make proper cuts, and getting it wrong will happen to every DIYer. Make sure to budget for the potential measurement mistake by purchasing extra materials, and this error won’t cause too many delays.

8. Skipping Sanding

Anika holding a sander
Image Credit: Anika’s DIY Life

Sanding is messy and time-consuming, so it is no wonder DIYers want to skip this step. Sanding gives you a smooth, polished surface to work with, and skipping this step will make the result as messy as cleaning up after sanding. Learn how to sand wood here.

9. Not Using Protective Equipment Could Send You to the Hospital

Anika wearing personal protective equipment
Image Credit: Anika’s DIY Life

Protective equipment is a necessary step when taking on a DIY project. Just because you have health insurance doesn’t mean you have to test its capabilities. Never skip your protective gear, and take on each project with care.

10. Failing to Check Permits

woman inspector with clipboard
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Imagine taking on the costly endeavor of a home remodel and then being forced to tear down your hard work. This could be your reality if you skip permitting. Every county has different permit requirements, and the information is readily available to you and, in most cases, online. See if your DIY project requires any permits and save yourself a lot of time and money.

11. Surface Makeovers Are Great Until They Aren’t

painting a dresser drawer
Image Credit: Shutterstock

It’s tempting to lay new flooring over top of old or paint directly over a piece of furniture without prepping to save time and cleanup. Avoid surface makeovers to make sure the project is done right. The extra demo and prep will uncover any problem areas that need to be fixed for a longer-lasting result.

12. Too Much Work and No play…you Know How the Saying Goes

woman building a drawer
Image Credit: Shutterstock

It is essential to know your limits before embarking on a DIY project. Trying to take on too much can lead to burnout, which can cause lengthy delays. Be willing to call in a helping hand, and never take on a project you’re uncomfortable with.

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woman using a level
Image Credit: Shutterstock

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Anika holding a piece of plywood
Image Credit: Anika’s DIY Life

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woman painting a wall yellow
Image Credit: Shutterstock

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